Tell No One

Rated 3.0

Imagine The Fugitive, but in French, and with Dustin Hoffman instead of Harrison Ford. Or a guy who looks like Dustin Hoffman, and acts like Hoffman used to, in clean, declarative beats that command us to hang on his every move. The guy is François Cluzet, as a pediatrician who lost his wife (Marie-Josée Croze) to a brutal murder—or thought he did for about eight years, until getting weirdly plausible messages implying that she’s still alive. His every move consists of getting some answers while dodging a few shady operators and even the cops, who’ve decided to reconsider him as a suspect. Adapting American author Harlan Coben’s novel with Philippe Lefebvre, director Guillaume Canet delivers a stylish, commercial, tautly paced thriller. Tell No One has everything it needs: mystery, suspense, the requisite last-act explanation, plus a surplus of winning performances (watch, too, for Kristin Scott Thomas). The question now is whether we need more.