Spanish tortilla aliases

Illustration by Maria Ratinova

The tortilla española is a classic Spanish dish. If you’ve never had it, ask yourself where you have gone wrong in life. Let’s fix that error. Traditionally made with potatoes, eggs, onions and olive oil, it’s simple yet satisfying. It also goes by the names Spanish tortilla, Spanish omelet, tortilla de patatas and tortilla de papas. Spanish blogger Simple Vegan Blog’s version swaps out egg for gram flour, which also goes by the name chickpea flour and besan. Go to for the recipe, but here’s the synopsis: Put four medium chopped potatoes and one chopped onion into a nonstick frying pan with 2 tablespoons of heated olive oil with salt and 1 cup of water. Boil for 20 minutes, drain. In a bowl, mix 16 tablespoons of gram flour and 16 tablespoons of water with salt; add it to the tater mixture, fry in pan with 2 tablespoons of oil over medium heat for five minutes. Place a plate over the tortilla, and flip that sucker over, cook the other side for five minutes. De nada.