Sorry we called you anti-Semites …

Occasionally we get things wrong; we must issue a mea culpa. What follows is a letter from a member of a local music group, Corpse Fucks Corpse, who was upset by the way his band was portrayed in this space last week, followed by an unsolicited response from the writer, Eddie Jorgenson.

I’m writing in regards to the article “Scene & heard” by Eddie Jorgenson (SN&R, July 19): In this article Mr. Jorgenson talks about a local band called Corpse Fucks Corpse. He mentions that when the band performs [it is] “surrounded by its own backdrop replete with anti-Semitic artwork.” I am baffled at where Mr. Jorgenson would get this idea. The backdrop that he refers to is a picture of Jesus on the cross. On both sides of Jesus there are people with word balloons coming out of their mouths. In the balloons there are pictures of a man’s chest and arms.

This might be construed as anti-religious, but certainly not anti-Semitic! It seems highly possible that Mr. Jorgenson doesn’t know the difference between the two. When confronted with the question of why he thought this artwork was anti-Semitic, Eddie’s only repeated reply has been, “It just is.” [Jorgenson disagrees with that point.]

This doesn’t seem like responsible journalism to me. In fact, propaganda like this could cause this band to be physically attacked by people who don’t know any better than to believe what they read. It is vital that this unfounded comment made by Mr. Jorgenson is retracted in the next issue of SN&R. I hope you do what is right.

Joshua Coleman
Fair Oaks, CA

In an effort to exemplify the horrific backdrop used at the latest Corpse Fucks Corpse show, I mistakenly used “anti-Semitic” to describe the crucifixion scene and backdrop artwork. Please insert anti-Christian, a more apt description. My sincere apologies to the band for any backlash, etc. This was not the intent of this writer to describe a new talent on the scene.

Note: The band Corpse Fucks Corpse does not support anti-Semitism (for effect or otherwise) and neither does this writer.

Eddie Jorgensen

OK, first, it’s a bit hard to replace “anti-Semitic” with “anti-Christian” when the newspaper is already on the street. So what should follow is a retraction. Here it is. While it’s baffling that a writer might describe a backdrop that depicts a crucifixion as “anti-Semitic,” it’s possible for someone to get the terms mixed up.

Ultimately, however, it’s my fault. Having seen enough swastikas and other anti-Semitic imagery blithely abused by punk-rock bands over the years, I let this one get past me without calling the writer with the simple question, “Just what do you mean by anti-Semitic.” My sincere apologies.