Politics of funny

Two shows, one funny woman.

Two shows, one funny woman.

Photo courtesy of Katie Rubin

Katie Rubin, one of the busiest, most talented and funniest actresses in the Sacramento theater community, is currently at work rehearsing two different shows that are scheduled to take place over the next two weeks. This weekend, Rubin will stage her stand-up routine at Big Idea Theater. Next week, she shifts focus slightly at Capital Stage with her one-woman show Why I Died: A Comedy. The show features Rubin playing numerous characters across a spectrum of political topics. $15; 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Saturday; Big Idea Theatre, 1616 Del Paso Boulevard; (916) 960-3036; http://bigideatheatre.org. Why I Died: A Comedy; $25; 8 p.m. July 30; Capital Stage, 2215 J Street; (916) 995-5464; http://capstage.org.