‘No’ on A, ‘yes’ on B‘

The people supporting Measure A argue that it would provide a “fair and equitable” process for resolving labor disputes. Basically, the measure would give county probation officers and sheriff’s department managers the ability to use binding arbitration in contract clashes. (This already exists in contract settlements for sheriff’s deputies, city police and firefighters.)

Let’s vote this one down. Especially in these days of compounding budget crises, the measure would take decision-making power away from county supervisors, who have been elected to keep the big picture in mind. Instead, it would favor better contracts for public employees without concern for whether a library stays open, a pothole gets filled or a family gets attention from a social worker. Vote “no.”

Measure B would modernize Rancho Cordova’s utility users’ tax to include wireless. Supporting this new 2.5 percent utility tax is a no-brainer, especially since expanding the tax to include wireless will help fill city coffers without squeezing citizens. A utility tax in this amount would still constitute one of the lowest among California cities. Vote “yes.”