Missouri Trailer Trash.com


Here’s a simple idea for a Web site: Drive around the Show-Me State with a camera, snap photos of various mobile homes, then post them on a bunch of Web pages with snarky commentary. OK, aside from the classist quality of the humor, which is to say that laughing at people who choose to or are forced to live in trailers is like joking with P.J. O’Rourke about the caddy’s crummy old clothes over gin fizzes on the back nine, you have to admire the creativity at work here. Trailers with truck hoods for awnings, trailers stacked atop one another, trailers with all sorts of weird add-ons: yep, they’re tacky as all get out and pretty funny, when you come right down to it. Best are the pictures of city hall and the post office, which must be from those mythical places where family trees don’t branch and, should the porch collapse, the attendant debacle takes out more than one dog. Nice.