Letters for March 14, 2013

Facebook and Twitter aren’t letters

Re Facebook and Twitter comments (SN&R Online Buzz, March 7):

Did I miss something in a previous issue regarding a change in the letters to the editor? After looking through the current issue several times, I found a page called Letters, which consisted of a political cartoon and an item called Online Buzz. I do not consider sound bites without substance on social networks a letter. Also, political cartoons certainly are not letters.

You certainly have the right to terminate your letters to the editor section, but what you now call “Letters” are not letters in any sense of the word. As a sidebar: There are four persons who are part of our Quaker meeting who periodically have had letters published in your paper. Two are not on Facebook and do not Twitter. Two, I think, have Facebook, but do not Twitter. You are, apparently, uninterested in communications from mature adults who have no interest in social networking.

James G. Updegraff

via email

SN&R's response: SN&R continues to solicit, accept and publish letters to the editor; last week, however, we didn't have enough for publication by deadline. Please send them to sactoletters@newsreview.com anytime.

Where’s the help for the noncriminals?

Re “Game changer” by Melinda Welsh (SN&R Feature Story, March 7):

I liked reading the story about Chet Hewitt. However, I must ask: Is prison required to be successful these days?

I know two or three guys, all management-level employees—and all have committed crimes and spent time in prison. They all make good money. I read in papers about kids who are in gangs, then someone offers a helping hand.

Where is the help for a person like myself with no criminal record? Someone who can’t get welfare due to not having kids? It’s like, want to get noticed by someone who cares? Just go to prison, or do something that gets you in trouble.

Where are the opportunities? You can tell me that I did it to myself, I deserve it, I don’t want it bad enough or a slew of other catchphrases. I call BS. I commend Mr. Hewitt for his accomplishments. He reminded me of Chris Gardner a bit, from the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. Yet, where is the help for the single male with no criminal record? I am reminded of a pastor from the XXX Church in Las Vegas (on a TV program), who said: “Do you ever notice that someone will spend 10 years asking you why you’re nowhere, but they never offer to help you?”

Noah Kameyer

via email

Albatross arena

Re “Laugh it up” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Bites, February 28):

So, let me get this straight: Several elementary schools in Sacramento are closing due to budget cuts, and there aren’t enough police to foot patrol K Street so that citizens are not routinely harassed by criminals, drug addicts and schizophrenics. Meanwhile, a proposal is being considered to contribute public funding to a giant albatross, or “arena,” to house a mediocre basketball team, even though there already is one perfectly good arena in town.

All right, Mr. Mayor, I think I’m beginning to understand. And, FYI, all those contractors that are chomping at the bit for those juicy construction deals to build the albatross—they own you.

Jack Chandler

West Sacramento

Urban-sprawl double take

Re “Flood and basketball” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, February 28):

Spot-on, Jeff. A greenfield development beyond the urban fringe, sold with the promise (carrot) of a public benefit, but ultimately costing all taxpayers in order to mitigate the problems created, after the developers have pocketed the money and moved on—hmm, seems familiar. Cordova Hills, anyone?

Dan Allison


Corruption among cockroaches

Re “Fail” (SN&R Editorial, February 28):

Thank you for continuing to shed a light on Jonathan (Broad Academy) Raymond and his gang of four’s unsavory actions. This is nothing less than a landgrab by the privateers of public education and a total lack of ethics on the part of the district. Like cockroaches scurrying for the shadows when a light is shown, Raymond and his cronies will surely face their own retribution by the people—either through the recall process or the courts. This level of corruption cannot stand if we are to remain a democratic society. Used to be we would tar and feather for less.

Jerry Tamburino



In “You know, the good kind of sexism” by Raheem F. Hosseini (Scene&Heard, February 28), the Midtown Maulies mascot Fancy Feast was misidentified as bench coach Pit Bullet.