Letters for June 30, 2016

Vote ’em out

Re “Liberty for none” by Rachel Leibrock (SN&R Editor’s Note, June 26):

This is what happens when an out-of-control political party gains control of the U.S. government. Following the Sandy Hook killings of 20 children and adults, Republican politicians did nothing. After the San Bernardino killings, Republican politicians who control Congress sat on their hands and did nothing, again, to deal with mass shootings in America. Republicans will not even initiate gun legislation to ban assault weapons. After the mass killing of 49 young people in Orlando, this same group of Republican politicians voted down four moderate gun measures. Eighty-five to 90 percent of Americans now support some form of gun legislation, but Republicans continue to block all solutions to deal with the gun epidemic in America.

This is crazy; a few hundred “do-nothing” Republican politicians are infringing upon the safety of 310 million Americans. Can anything be done about this Republican cancer that has infected the U.S. government and country? Yes! Come November 8, vote these political bums out of office. Republican pols need to choose between guns and their jobs.

Ron Lowe

Nevada City

No more knives

Re “The Nazis are coming by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Beats, June 23):

At least five patients with multiple stab wounds, some critical. No info yet on whether these were one side, both or included law enforcement. With this kind of high-tension event, people should be allowed to peaceably gather, subject to the same kind of metal scanning as at presidential rallies. Guns and knives were banned when Trump spoke at the NRA convention. If it can be done there, it can be done anywhere.

Betty Spivack

via email

Sad chickens

Re “Eggs, explained” by Janelle Bitker (SN&R 15 Minutes, June 23):

I was really surprised that this article did not cover how any of the chickens are treated at the Vega family farm. Plus, nothing was said about when the chicks are separated from their mothers—the potential sadness of it also, for chicks have feelings too! The Sacramento News & Review should be held responsible for asking about how animals are treated. They are not placed on this earth for the use of humans in any way they want—as meat, as egg-producers, etc. Mr. Ramsi Vega was quoted as saying, “It depends on what the customer wants. We do layers, we do meat birds, we do something in between. We do heat-resistant strains—my dad developed those lines.” Well, but how are the birds treated? How are the chicks treated? How are they transported? When are they separated from their mothers, is that humane? But those questions were never asked and that mentality in this day and age is unforgivable.

Tricia Christie
