Letters for February 26, 2015

Re “Bond age” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, February 19):

Let me see if I got this right: Nick Miller tells us that we could save $150 million on arena-bond-related debt service if only we line up like good citizens to swallow a loss of $200 million in the fraudulent transfer of city assets (to pay “the whales” back for spending too much on the Kings franchise). What a deal!

Bill Reany


No perfect cop

Re “How to build a perfect cop” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Feature Story, February 19):

Nice idea, but unfortunately “a perfect cop” is an oxymoron; especially as all of the nation’s cops become more and more concerned with national security and less and less with preventing crime. Force is not the answer and never will be.

Peace and love,



Truth is only bond

Re “Bond age” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, February 19):

Yes, the suit against the city seeking to prove City Hall pulled the wool over our eyes on the arena deal may increase the cost of paying off the bonds. However, to suggest it should be dropped, as is implied in this article, is to suggest it is better to save money than do the right thing. (I know Nick Miller did not come right out and say that, but it is implied.)

In the long run, the taxpayers are better served by knowing all the truth than by remaining in the dark as some deal makers would prefer.

Mike Savino


Rafik’s legacy

Re “Merci, Rafik Rabehi” by Nick Miller (SN&R Editor’s Note, February 19):

Thank you for this tribute to a true gem. I only wish Rafik were here to read it! He touched so many lives and was a people connector. Many friendships have been created thanks to Rafik’s gift for creating celebrations and gathering the coolest people around. His legacy will live on with many.

Amy Gleason
