Lean on in

You’ll have to get much closer than this to properly appreciate <i>Miniature Show</i>.

You’ll have to get much closer than this to properly appreciate Miniature Show.

You don’t have to pull out a magnifying glass for Miniature Show, filling the Lincoln Arts and Culture Foundation, located at 580 Sixth Street in Lincoln, until April 23. But you do need to get up close and personal to catch all the nuances and special effects, including an artist’s sense of humor. Stick your nose into Dick Ketelle’s ceramic tableau, “A Bad Day at the Studio,” where an iguana-sized lizard has run amok in the Barbie-sized clay studio, leaving pots of glaze overturned and vessels irreparably damaged in its wake. Get close to really see the grace and affinity of womanhood in Diane Bogush Mills’ “Three Babushkas.” The piece depicts a time when wrinkles were a coveted badge of wisdom, not a red flag to run for a Botox needle. The design on a head wrap is reminiscent of the painstaking patterning in Middle Eastern miniatures. For more information, call (916) 645-9713.