Last love letter

When I arrived in Sacramento 13 months ago, I immediately fell in love with the city. Everyone told me I had arrived at a good time, and it did seem Sacramento was experiencing a renaissance.

Still, everywhere I looked I saw signs that many of my neighbors were not in on the joy ride. My wife and I learned firsthand that rents were spiking, and I heard from readers and colleagues how this caused real pain to longtime locals.

I was excited about my opportunity as the editor of this newspaper, to document the energy that was breathing new life into this great old city—and to confront its problems.

I am pleased to have been able to steward SN&R for the past year. It’s been an honor to further its 28-year legacy as a progressive voice.

And yet I have come to understand that this position is not a good match at this time. This will be my last note in this space. There may be some other position in the News & Review organization that’s a better fit. You’ll be among the first to know.

The newspaper, of course, remains in good hands with its editorial staff as the management team looks for a new chief.

I’m grateful that this job brought me and my wife to Sacramento, a place that feels more and more like home. I’m looking forward to exploring it in new ways in the months and years to come.