Favela, de Chicano a Chicano/gracias por todo mi hermano!

Interpret this!

Interpret this!

You will not catch Xico González sitting around, wasting the night away watching reruns of Friends, unless it’s the episode where Joey suffers amnesia, thinks he’s Mexican, turns militant and goes to prison for La Causa. But since that never happened, González, a Royal Chicano Air Force member to the heart, keeps himself busy crafting poems, sketches, paintings, ideas and prose pieces, all in the name of La Raza. His politically charged posters are visually stunning, both in color and in message, with phrases as pointed as “Fuck La Migra” and as instructional as “Stop the Terrorists” (with Nazi Yosemite Sam popping out from Schwarzenegger’s head, guns a’ blazing). And be sure to check out the memorial in honor of Professor Ricardo Favela, who passed away in July.

Be part of the revolution 12-6 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday and Second Saturday 12-9 p.m. at La Raza Galeria Posada, 1022-1024 22nd Street; (916) 446-5133; www.larazagaleriaposada.org. Through September 22.