Fri, Nov 20, Dog Party

The Refuge, 7 p.m., $5

The Refuge

1723 L St.
Sacramento, CA 94207

(916) 764-5598

Dog Party celebrates the release of its first official CD with a slew of release parties, including this all-ages show. Dog Party, consisting of sisters Gwendolyn and Lucy, rock out with garage-type punk that veers between raw talent and pop hooks as polished as a Hannah Montana CD. OK, just kidding on that last one—they’re polished, sure—but in a perfect world, these girls would blow that pre-packaged Disney princess off the charts with songs such as “The World Is Not a Game” and “You Doubt Me.” The musicianship and lyrics are primitive but in a best, Runaways sort of way: They’re energetic, heartfelt, fun and thoroughly catchy. 1723 L Street,