Experimental loaf

When the bright, rusty-orange-hued persimmons on the kitchen counter are so soft they're ripe enough to eat—if they're the heart-shaped Hachiya—or too ripe to bite into—if they're the squat, tomato-shaped Fuyu—then it's the perfect time to make persimmon bread. Mash them up and use them in the quick and easy recipe at FatFree Vegan Kitchen's website. It's a basic one that's perfect for experimenting. For instance, I scaled back on the nutmeg by about half, added 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and one tablespoon of mesquite flour for a richer-tasting, more textured and nutritionally boosted little loaf. The full recipe is at http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2007/11/persimmon-bread.html. Have fun with it, baking fools!