Eight Gigs: Rin Tin Tiger

Wed., Jan. 27, 8 p.m., Press Club, $5

Rin Tin Tiger has a new album out called Burial Groundsa self-described cross between Bob Dylan, Violent Femmes and Tupac. That Tupac reference is a bit off, but Dylan and Violent Femmes is right on. The trio brings back the days of old-school alternative rock, with a brainy, not-always-in-tune-but-always-heartfelt lead singer carrying the tunes. There’s a strong blues influence, and the songs are primarily distorted. The folk-tinge on the band’s earlier work is nearly gone at this point, but the social commentary is that much more powerful as a result, and the music is darker and more tense. 2030 P Street, www.rintintiger.com.