
Dogs don’t speak human, but on Dogster humans speak dog; users create and narrate free Web pages on their dogs’ behalf. One diary entry, titled “Deep Thoughts by Lei Lei,” reads, “The fire works kinda scared me, I thought they were trying to hurt Mommy, but it turns out, Mommy likes playing with fire!!!!” Profiles include nicknames, like one Doberman’s “Daisy Poodle Pie,” and pet peeves, like “I hate the postman and the little boy who rides up and down the street on his scooter.” Users “corral” links to canine compadres for easy access to doggy dish. In the “We Miss You!” section, loving owners lapse into third-person and commemorate pets that have passed: “I’m sure, wherever she lives now, she’s found a nice big lake to swim in and has all the peanut butter she could ever eat.”