2016 Sammies nominees
SN&R’s 2016 Sacramento Area Music Award nominees list is live!

Zyah Belle
Update: Find the winners for the 2016 Sammies here.
It’s back: The only race that matters in 2016. Feel the Bern? Dump Trump? Who cares, it’s time to vote for your favorite local artists.
We kid—in fact, we beg you to take the current election season very seriously—but there’s room for fun, too. And what’s more fun than honoring some of the most outstanding musical acts that the Sacramento region has to offer?
In December SN&R put out a call for readers and local music experts to nominate their favorites across myriad categories. In return we received countless votes and invaluable insight into what makes this town’s scene so damn good. There’s inventive electronica and experimental music, heart-shredding metal and hardcore, provocative hip-hop and everything else one can imagine occupying space on the sound spectrum.
And so here are the 2016 SAMMIES nominees. Check out the artists, listen to their music and catch them live. Oh, and stay tuned for news on some upcoming Sammies showcases.
Voting is open now and ends March 7. The awards ceremony, which will feature a packed bill of local acts, will happen Thursday, March 24, at Ace of Spades (1417 R Street) for $10.
In the meantime, visit www.sammies.com to pick your favorites for everything but the Hall of Fame category—that’s an award saved for acts who’ve already nabbed three Sammie wins.
C’mon, it’s time to get out the vote.
—Rachel Leibrock
Hall of Fame 2016Dog Party
Ira Skinner
James Cavern
The Nickel Slots
White Minorities
Artist of the YearCam: www.facebook.com/camofgenx
Chrch: www.facebook.com/chrchdoomca
Element Brass Band: www.facebook.com/elementbrassband
Graveshadow: www.graveshadow.com
J-Kraken: www.facebook.com/jkrakenmusic
Joseph in the Well: www.josephinthewell.com
Some Fear None: www.somefearnone.com
Zyah Belle: www.zyahbelle.com
Americana / Alt-country50 Watt Heavy: https://50wattheavy.bandcamp.com
Chris Gardner Band: www.chrisgardnerband.com
Delta City Ramblers: www.deltacityramblers.com
F Street Stompers: www.facebook.com/FstStompers
The Golden Cadillacs: www.thegoldencadillacs.com
MerryGold: www.facebook.com/merrygoldband
Million Dollar Giveaway: www.facebook.com/mdgcountry
One Button Suit: http://onebuttonsuit.com
Saint Ashbury: www.facebook.com/saintashbury
The West Nile Ramblers: www.thewestnileramblers.com
BluesThe Christian DeWild Band: www.christiandewildband.com
The Hucklebucks: www.thehucklebucks.com
Kyle Rowland Blues Band: www.facebook.com/the.kyle.rowland.band
Matt Rainey and the Dippin’ Sauce: www.facebook.com/Matt-Rainey-and-the-Dippin-Sauce-418891455537
Michael Ray: www.facebook.com/michaelray916
The Ranell Carpenter Band: www.ranellcarpenter.com
Stillwood Sages: www.stillwoodsages.com
Two Tone Steiny & the Cadillacs: www.twotonesteiny.com
Cover BandApple Z: http://applezband.com
Cover Me Badd: www.covermebadd.net
Groove Thang: www.groovethangband.com
Hip Service: www.hipservice.com
The Lucky Seven: www.facebook.com/TheLuckySevenBand
Thunder Cover: http://thundercovermusic.com
Tragically White: www.facebook.com/tragicallywhiteband
DeejayCue22: www.facebook.com/cue22music
DJ Billy Lane: www.facebook.com/djbillylanespage
DJ Nocturnal: www.facebook.com/DjNocturnal916
DJ Oasis: www.djoasis.com
DJ Zephyr: www.facebook.com/zephyreos
J-Kraken: www.facebook.com/jkrakenmusic
Sam I Jam: www.soundcloud.com/sam_i_jam
Electronic / ExperimentalDoofyDoo: www.facebook.com/doofydoojams
Gentleman Surfer: www.facebook.com/Gentleman-Surfer-317326758284041
The Good Fortune: www.thegoodfortune.co
I Am Strikes: www.iamstrikes.com
Pregnant: www.danielispregnant.tumblr.com
So Much Light: www.facebook.com/SoMuchLight
SpaceWalker: www.facebook.com/interstellarbeats
WiseChild: www.facebook.com/iniwisechild
Young Aundee: www.facebook.com/YoungAundee
EmceeBrutha Smith: www.bruthasmith.com
Cam: www.facebook.com/camofgenx
Century Got Bars: www.centurygotbars.com
Chuuwee: www.facebook.com/ChuuweeNCR
Dre-T: www.facebook.com/Dre-T-270601059658204
Dylan Phillip: www.facebook.com/DylanPhillipOfficial
Luke Tailor: www.luketailor.bandcamp.com
Mahtie Bush: www.mb916.com
Mozzy: www.vevo.com/artist/mozzy
Soosh*e: www.facebook.com/hellasoosh
Folk RockHannah Jane Kile: www.facebook.com/hannahjanekile
Honyock: http://honyockisaband.com
Joseph in the Well: www.josephinthewell.com
Misner & Smith: www.facebook.com/MisnerandSmith
Paige Anderson & the Fearless Kin: www.thefearlesskin.com
Salt Wizard: www.saltwizardmusic.com
Spangler: www.spanglermusic.com
Mahtie Bush
Big Sticky Mess: http://bigstickymess.com
Groovincible: http://groovincible.com
Hans! and the Hot Mess: www.facebook.com/hansandthehotmess
Ideateam: www.ideateamband.com
Joy and Madness: www.joyandmadness.com
The Pressure Lounge: http://thepressurelounge.com
Hard RockCalifornia Riot Act: www.facebook.com/californiariotact
Heat of Damage: www.reverbnation.com/heatofdamage
Misamore: www.misamore.com
Roswell: www.roswellrocks.net
Some Fear None: www.somefearnone.com
Terra Ferno: www.facebook.com/terraferno
Hardcore / Industrial / Post-hardcoreHavenside: http://havensideband.com
Kill the Precedent: www.facebook.com/killtheprecedent
A Lot Like Birds: www.facebook.com/alotlikebirds
Mercedes Avenue: www.facebook.com/MercedesAve
Rad: www.facebook.com/RAD.Sacto
White Knuckle Riot: www.facebook.com/WhiteKnuckleRiot
Hip-hop / RapThe Beatknocks: www.facebook.com/thebeatknocks
Blaquelisted: www.facebook.com/blaquelisted
California Bear Gang: www.facebook.com/CALIFORNIABEARGANG
DLRN: http://dlrn.co
The Good Samaritans: www.facebook.com/TheGoodSamaritansBand
Iconoclast Robot: http://iconoclastrobot.com
Recorded Freedom: www.facebook.com/FreedomRecorded
Tel Cairo: www.telcairo.com
IndieDesario: www.facebook.com/desarioband
Epsilona: www.epsilonamusic.com
Exquisite Corps: www.facebook.com/excorpsmusic
Life in 24 Frames: www.lifein24frames.com
Sea of Bees: http://seaofbees.com
Soft Science: www.facebook.com/softsciencemusic
Sunmonks: www.sunmonks.com
Vasas: www.facebook.com/vasastheband
Vinnie Guidera & the Dead Birds: www.facebook.com/vinnieguideramusic
JazzThe Alex Jenkins Trio: www.alexdrums.net
City of Trees Brass Band: www.facebook.com/cotbb
The Crescent Katz: http://crescentkatz.com
Dank Ocean: www.facebook.com/dankoceanband
Element Brass Band: www.facebook.com/elementbrassband
Hot City: www.facebook.com/hotcityjazzband
Jim Martinez Quartet: www.jimmartinez.com
Live PerformerCross Class: www.facebook.com/Crossclasssacramento
Chrch: www.facebook.com/chrchdoomca
Death Rogen: www.facebook.com/DEATHROGEN
Drop Dead Red: www.facebook.com/dropdeadredmusic
Hans Eberbach: www.hansrocks.com
Kill the Precedent: www.facebook.com/killtheprecedent
Race to the Bottom: www.racetothebottommusic.com
Some Fear None: www.somefearnone.com
Sea of Bees: http://seaofbees.com
Zyah Belle: www.zyahbelle.com
MetalBattle Hag: www.facebook.com/battlehag
Chrch: www.facebook.com/chrchdoomca
Defecrator: www.facebook.com/defecrator
Embodied Torment: www.facebook.com/embodiedtorment
Graveshadow: www.graveshadow.com
Horseneck: www.facebook.com/horseneckmusic
The Kennedy Veil: www.facebook.com/thekennedyveil
Modraniht: www.facebook.com/modranihtofficial
Plague Widow: www.plaguewidow.com
Psychosomatic: www.facebook.com/officialpsychosomatic
New ArtistAndrew Castro: www.andrewcastromusic.com
The Good Fortune: www.thegoodfortune.co
Little Tents: www.facebook.com/littletents916
Maddie Sipes & the Painted Blue: www.soundcloud.com/madisonsipes
Modern Man: www.facebook.com/modernmansacramento
Tell the Wolves: www.facebook.com/tellthewolvesmusic
Well Dressed Mannequins: www.facebook.com/Well-Dressed-Mannequins-159076544439331
Pop / RockBellygunner: www.facebook.com/pages/Bellygunner/474205012610977
Cemetery Sun: www.cemeterysunband.com
Drop Dead Red: www.facebook.com/dropdeadredmusic
Fate Under Fire: www.fufmusic.com
Hero’s Last Mission: http://heroslastmission.com
Humble Wolf: www.humblewolf.com
Once an Empire: www.onceanempire.com
PointDexter: www.facebook.com/PointDexterMusic
ProducerCasey Groat
Charles Albright
Chris Woodhouse: www.thedockstudio.com
David Jensen www.jensenproductionsmusic.com
DJ Loot: www.facebook.com/djloot916
Joe Johnston: www.puscavern.com
John Morris: www.tanglewoodstudios.com
Pat Hills
Sean Stack: www.fatcatrecording.com
Punk / Post-punkThe Bar Fly Effect: www.facebook.com/thebarflyeffect
The Croissants: www.facebook.com/lecroissants
The Enlows: http://enlows.com
Ghostplay: www.facebook.com/ghostplay.music
The Moans: www.facebook.com/themoans
Nmbrsttn: http://nmbrsttn.com
Rebel Radio: www.facebook.com/rebelradioband
S.W.I.M.: www.reverbnation.com/swimsomeonewhoisntme
R&B / SoulCash Campain: www.facebook.com/CashCampainMusic
JustKristofer: www.facebook.com/JustPlayJK
Miss Mouthpeace: www.missmouthpeacemusic.com
Rashell: https://www.reverbnation.com/rashell1
Zyah Belle: www.zyahbelle.com
Reggae / JamElement of Soul: www.elementofsoul.com
Island of Black and White: www.islandofblackandwhite.com
J Ras: www.facebook.com/JRasMusic
King Hopeton: www.kinghopeton.com
Massive Delicious: www.facebook.com/MassiveDelicious
OneLegChuck: www.facebook.com/OneLegChuck
Riotmaker: www.facebook.com/riotmakermusic
Sacto Storytellers: http://soundcloud.com/sactostorytellers
Simple Creation: www.simplecreationband.com
Release of the YearChrch: Unanswered Hymns
DLRN: Neon Noir (Deluxe)
DoofyDoo: The Tourist
Epsilona: Thinkers
Graveshadow: Nocturnal Resurrection
Joseph in the Well: Joseph in the Well
Little Tents: Fun Colors
Mozzy: Bladadah
Sea of Bees: Build a Boat to the Sun
So Stressed: The Unlawful Trade of Greco-Roman Art
RockThe Diva Kings: www.facebook.com/thedivakings
The Kelps: www.facebook.com/thekelpsmusic
MindFlowers: www.facebook.com/mindflowersband
Race to the Bottom: www.racetothebottommusic.com
Sages: www.facebook.com/wearesages
The Soul Shine Band: www.facebook.com/TheSoulShineBand
Tell the Wolves: www.facebook.com/tellthewolvesmusic
The Three Way: http://thethreewaymusic.com
RockabillyFrankie and the Defenders: www.frankieandthedefenders.com
Hank Biggs & the Hardtops: www.hankbiggs.com
The Infamous Swanks: www.facebook.com/theinfamousswanks
The Left Hand: www.sonicbids.com/band/thelefthand
Rockabilly Love Cats: www.rockabillylovecats.com
Todd Morgan & the Emblems: http://toddmorganandtheemblems.com
The Vintage Vandals: http://thevintagevandals.com
Singer-songwriterAndrew Castro: www.andrewcastromusic.com
Christopher Fairman: www.reverbnation.com/christopherfairman
Jayson Angove: www.jaysonangove.com
Kevin Seconds: www.kevinseconds.org
Rebecca Peters: www.facebook.com/Rebeccapetersmusic
Xochitl: www.xochitlofficial.net
Teen ArtistAltessa: www.facebook.com/AltessaOfficial
Four Days Out: www.facebook.com/fourdaysout
Heat of Damage: www.reverbnation.com/heatofdamage
Urd-om: www.urdomrox.com
Tribute BandCash Prophets: www.facebook.com/pages/Cash-Prophets/182247055162317
Revolver: www.facebook.com/Revolver916
Steelin’ Dan: www.steelindan.com
Stellar: www.facebook.com/stellartributeband
SuperHuey: www.superhueylive.com
Worlds Apart: www.atjourneysedge.com
WorldBomba Fried Rice: http://bombafriedrice.org
Dinorah: www.dinorahmusic.com
Halfpence and Haypenny: www.facebook.com/HalfpenceAndHaypenny
Hollow Point Stumblers: www.thestumblers.com
La Noche Oskura: http://lanocheoskura.com
Nagual: www.nagualmusic.com
One Eyed Reilly: www.1eyedreilly.com
Rey y Kaye: http://reyykaye.com
Solsa: http://solsaentertainment.com
World Hood: www.facebook.com/worldhoodband
Zorelli: www.zorellimusic.com