Issue: April 08, 2021

The April print edition of the Chico News & Review hit stands last Thursday, and it is packed with the kind of in-depth reporting on important issues that this newspaper is known for. I am very proud of the breadth of subjects the editorial staff and contributors have highlighted this month: racism and social justice (“Changing the conversation” by contributing editor Evan Tuchinsky, and guest comment “On curing festering racism, including Chico’s” by Adrienne Scott); homelessness and city politics (“Closed to the public,” by Ken Smith and editorial “Admit failure and refocus on homelessness”); and LGBTQ advocacy (“New direction” by Ashiah Scharaga).

The CN&R is the source for the full story in Butte County, and right now we are depending on our readers to help us keep telling it. Give, if you can, to keep local independent journalism alive.

Jason Cassidy
CN&R interim editor