Cops crack down on gangs

In recent months, Chico PD has focused on gang members

Responding to what it calls “an alarming spike” in gang-related crimes, including two homicides, an attempted homicide, and several stabbings and drive-by shootings, in March the Chico Police Department formed an ad hoc task force to focus on the issue.

During April and May, according to a press release, the task force made 47 arrests, conducted 113 searches, completed 139 gang interview contacts, and referred 15 gang members to probation and parole.

“Significant intelligence was gathered during these searches and contacts which will likely assist gang suppression efforts in our community for months to come,” the release reads. “Most importantly, the numbers of gang related violent crimes dropped to almost zero.”

The task force has been disbanded, but the CPD has retained a Gang Unit that is now under the supervision of the Street Crimes Unit.