You are welcome

A few thoughts on the CN&R on a windy, sunny day …

Hmmm: I got some interesting responses to my recent trilogy of think-piece columns (“Down in Jungleland”; “Trickle-down in Jungleland”; “What do you want?”). Two came from a most cordial Chicoan named Samuel Handley, who shared some pieces of economics scholarship.

“This is not a rant nor is it in any way suggestive of a desire on my part to change your mind or your editorial stance,” he e-mailed, relaying an article from the Ludwig von Mises Institute (more on that later). “My goal is only to point out the historical proofs that what is coming from Washington today, though well-intentioned, will in all probability lead to devaluation of the dollar, hyper-inflation of market prices and an extension of the global downward slide of all currencies and economies.”

The article: “There Will Be (Hyper)Inflation,” by economist Thorston Polleit. Mr. Handley also referred me to Thomas E. Woods’ Meltdown—well, technically, to Wladimir Kraus’ review of the book at

I’m no expert on Western European academia, so I cannot say whether these scholars are destined for Nobel Prizes or the bargain bin. I don’t dispute them.

I’ll simply say that while the future may be gloomy (not only due to currency; due to mounting debt, too), the present is gloomy. The White House and Congress took action, knowing they’ll have to keep adjusting, with history as a guide. We well may be entering uncharted times, so the past may not reflect the future; still, I feel better with a potential risk to mitigate than a certain problem left unmitigated.

LTEs: Contrary to what some people may think, I welcome dissenting opinions such as those above. I particularly appreciate ’em when they’re publishable.

Here’s a refresher on our letters policy:

• The length limit is 250 words … but this isn’t like Fiction 59, where you have to hit that number precisely; more like Poetry 99, where you can write less than the maximum. The pithier, the better, in fact.

(If you need more than 250, consider Guest Comment, where the limit is 450—keeping in mind that we can run eight to 10 letters a week, but only one GC, so it may take longer to get published.)

• Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and/or libel. We don’t make changes willy-nilly, and unless a trim or tweak takes place on deadline, I try to get the writer’s OK before publication.

• Comments on content in this paper get priority. Also favored are local writers and local issues. Less likely to run: letters appearing in the E-R or complaining about something that’s appeared in the E-R.

• E-mail is preferred so I don’t have to retype (I’m a hunt-and-peck keyboarder). Address: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,99,104,105,99,111,108,101,116,116,101,114,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,34,62,99,104,105,99,111,108,101,116,116,101,114,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script>.

Pitches: On the subject of getting into the paper, I got an interesting e-mail from a public relations firm on how to receive coverage from newspapers and magazines. Marsha Friedman knows what she’s talking about (look, she got into the CN&R!), so if there’s something you think we should cover, consider her advice.

• Analyze if it’s actually newsworthy.

• Ask yourself if you’d really read the story if you weren’t pitching it.

• Give us the information we need to decide this ourselves—that is, who’s involved where, when and why. (The pithier, the better: “Don’t feel compelled to write [a] manifesto.”)

You can e-mail news tips to the appropriately named <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,99,104,105,99,111,110,101,119,115,116,105,112,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,34,62,99,104,105,99,111,110,101,119,115,116,105,112,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script> account, environmental info to <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,103,114,101,101,110,119,97,121,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,34,62,103,114,101,101,110,119,97,121,115,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script> and arts happenings to <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,106,97,115,111,110,99,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,34,62,106,97,115,111,110,99,64,110,101,119,115,114,101,118,105,101,119,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script> .