Feel the love all month long

Love by the numbers, in honor of National Romance Month.

In addition to being a time when Americans are urged to honor catfish, crayons, peaches, eye exams and water quality, August is National Romance Awareness Month. Online numbers site StatisticMonkey.com offers a glimpse of romance today with its aggregated statistics on dating and relationships, which report that 44 percent of the country’s adult population is single. Technology plays an ever increasing roll in love, with 40 million Americans using online dating sites, 43 percent of people saying they’ve Googled a person before a first date, and 48 percent of terminated online romances ending via email. Only 9 percent of women and 2 percent of men say bars are good places to find a relationship. And, it seems, some things never change: 53 percent of people say a great smile is the most attractive physical feature, and money is the No. 1 reported source of arguments among couples.