
Every now and then—but not too often—a movie comes along that is perplexing, in that the unique concept had not been explored before. Enchanted is one of those movies, and the welcome news is that it lives up to its meta premise. Unfolding like a popup book, the film kicks off with a gentle pastiche of the glorious handcrafted animation of classic Disney long dismissed for CGI wonking. All the tropes are in place, of a lonely princess pining for her Prince Charming. One thing leads to another and the princess finds herself in the live action environs of New York City, where she is schooled in the realities of true love. Comic spoofery ensues. Amy Adams excels in the piece, although her wide-eyed naïveté and baby doll voice wears thin. Otherwise, more than excellent family entertainment for those tired of poop jokes and innuendo-driven kid’s fare.