‘Band whore’ no more

Cody K

photo by ken smith

There’s an old rock-’n’-roll adage that says, “Never trust anyone over 30.” In honor of reaching that landmark age, Chico music staple and self-proclaimed “band whore” Cody Von Peligro K (aka Cody Kennon) is organizing what he calls a “finale” on the last day of his 20s, Friday, March 8. He plans to play in every act of a five-band bill at Monstros Pizza that night to say goodbye—well, kind of, anyhow—to his wild youth. Here’s what he had to say about mid-life crisis, punk-rock style. To witness it firsthand, check out the show at 8 p.m. Friday, March 8, at Monstros Pizza, with The Pushers, Baghdad Batteries, Zabaleen, Master Lady and The Mystery of Passion.

What’s the idea behind the show?

I’m playing in every band. It was originally supposed to be nine or 10 bands that I’ve also played in, with a few reunions and whatnot, but it didn’t work out. Some people live out of state now, or weren’t interested, or are on drugs, so it fell to four bands and me acoustically.

What band did you most want to get together?

We were going to do Kids With Headlice, the band I was in for nine or 10 years. They were all stoked, but when it came time to actually put it together, it didn’t happen.

Why are you calling it a finale?

The highlight of my life up until now has been playing music with my friends. So I figured, time to close the 20s chapter of my life and flip the age onto my 30s. It’s time to get shit right; I want to get a house with goats and chickens out in the country, get myself a little wife and have some kids. Seriously. A lot of people do it backwards and have their mid-life crisis, get married and have kids early, then freak out at 30 and start acting like kids. But I’ve been acting like a kid so long my mid-life crisis means trying to act like an adult.

What does that mean for you musically?

Probably less bands. That gives me the opportunity to really spend time developing things as a musician and songwriter, and also spending more time taking care of life’s responsibilities. I’m tired of waking up on floors haggard, hung over, and not remembering the good time I had at the show the night before. But I’ll never stop playing music. It’s what I am; I’ve been playing since I was 10.

What’s the most ridiculous band you’ve been in?

Uh, Gruk. We started that shit in high school in Red Bluff. I was the original drummer, then moved to bass. I’ve been in Gruk three different times over the years. They were the best and the worst times of my life.