Author: Bob Grimm
Dancer in the Dark
Björk proves she’s an amazing actress in the troubling Dancer in the Dark.
This article was published on 04.05.01
A fine family flick
Spy Kids is an action-adventure film that both kids and parents will like.
This article was published on 04.05.01
That’s not funny
Say It Isn’t So‘s reliance on too many incest jokes won’t leave you laughing.
This article was published on 03.29.01
Love and war
Jude Law and Ed Harris almost salvage Enemy at the Gates, but the film suffers from a needless love triangle and poorly written characters.
This article was published on 03.22.01
Oscar hits and misses
Our film reviewer lists who will win—and should have won—an Academy Award.
This article was published on 03.15.01
The Keystone’s third incarnation
Art films are returning to Reno as part of a series at the Century Riverside 12.
This article was published on 03.08.01
A great team
Our film reviewer says Julia Roberts should stick with Brad Pitt if they do more films together that are as fun to watch as The Mexican.
This article was published on 03.08.01
Long live The King
3,000 Miles to Graceland is a bit bloated and sloppy, but still cool—much like The King in his later years.
This article was published on 03.01.01

April 12, 2001
SN&R Vol 13 Issue 2

April 05, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 8

March 29, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 7

March 22, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 6

March 15, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 5

March 08, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 4

March 01, 2001
RN&R Vol 7 Issue 3