One homeless story

A mother tries to find shelter for her son

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Courteney Duren-Hill grew up in what she calls a toxic living situation. At 17, she decided the only way to resolve it was to run away. Since then, she has been on and off the streets of Sacramento. At 19, she became pregnant.

Now 26, Duren-Hill reads palms and panhandles online to get by. Whenever money runs out, she and her 6-year-old son Gavin pack up and try to find ways to afford a new place. About a year ago, she was attending American River College and living in a mobile home, but couldn’t afford the rent. She received federal aid, but recently lost it when she wasn’t able to afford transportation. In the beginning of January, they stayed at a motel on 16th Street in Sacramento. After a few days there, they had to move to a new motel and have since relocated several times.