Thank you

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude, appreciation, and thanks to those who unselfishly gave of themselves and their time to make this evening possible.

Thank you to our Honorary Co-Chairs who helped develop the idea:

Dr. Metwalli Amer | President Council of Sacramento Valley Islamic Organizations

Bill Camp | Executive Secretary Sacramento Central Labor Council

Sonney L. Chong, DMD | Chair Council of Asian Pacific Islanders Together for Active Leadership

Susan Cotton | President & Chief Professional Officer United Way CA Capital Region

Grantland Johnson | Secretary California Health & Human Services Agency

Dennis Mangers | Senior Vice President California Cable & Telecommunications Association

Dexter McNamara | Executive Director Interfaith Service Bureau

Dennis Trinidad | President & CEO Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Jeff von Kaenel | President & CEO News & Review

Thank you to our Honorary Board:

Anne Baird Office of Senator Michael Machado

Laurie Anne Blanchard American Red Cross

Dick Colvin United Way

Robert Crouch | Senior Vice President Wells Fargo Bank

Bob Gipson Sacramento/Yolo Peace Action El Dorado Peace & Justice Community Assyrian Orthodox Church

Lyla Hanson Office of Supervisor Illa Collin

Patricia Hill Interfaith Service Bureau and the Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Dennis Holland | Bishop Latter Day Saints

Dave Jones | Council Member City of Sacramento

Father Michael Kiernan Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento

Richard Lewis California Musical Theatre

Jerilyn Marr Home Aid Sacramento

Susan McKee Office of Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg

Vivian Miller California State University, Sacramento

Archie Milligan | Executive Director Habitat for Humanity

Reverend Faith Moran Spiritual Life Center

Reverend Michael Moran Spiritual Life Center

Roger Niello | County Supervisor Sacramento County

Paulette Pitner Evolving Times

Jacqueline Schultz The Studio Theatre

Darrell Steinberg | Assembly Member California State Assembly

Pam Stewart CPS Human Resource Services

Diane Thomas | Development Director American Red Cross

Thank YOU for the inspiration (it came in many forms):

Michael Alcalay | United Way For opening many doors

Leland Ball California Music Theatre | Director For your helpful advice and for suggesting Jackie

Very Reverend Donald Brown Trinity Cathedral For answering many questions

Judy Collins For your inspirational rendition of “Amazing Grace”

Roger Niello | County Supervisor For your support early on

Paulette Pitner For thinking of a name for this event

Huston Smith | Author, “World Religions” For explaining the Buddhist view: there are many religious paths up the mountain, but they all meet at the top

James Wheatley | Celebration Arts For leading Jacqueline to Reggie Graham

Thank you to the many persons of faith who contributed in numerous ways:

Scott Anderson | Executive Director California Council of Churches

Reverend Doug Batchelor | Senior Pastor Central Seventh Day Adventist Church

Reverend Kay Doyle | Dean, Conference 8 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Sally Hinchman | Associate Synod Executive Sierra Mission Partnership, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Bishop Jerry Lamb Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

David Link Canon for Music, Trinity Cathedral

Elder Richard Montgomery The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints President, Interfaith Service Bureau

Darshan Singh Mundy Sikh Temple, West Sacramento

Bishop Beverly Shamana United Methodist Church

Rabbi Reuven Taff | President Rabbis Association of Sacramento

Thank you to those of you who’ve chosen to embrace our mission:

Arden Christian Church

Council of Sacramento Valley Islamic Organizations

Community of Christ - Elk Grove

First Christian Church

First United Methodist Church, Sacramento

Northern California Koyasan Temple

Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM)

Sacramento Loaves & Fishes

Spiritual Life Center

St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church

St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church

Unitarian Universalist Community Church

Thank you to the artists, speakers and performers

Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg

B’nai Israel Choir Ensemble

Cheewa James


Darshan Singh Mundy

Galena Street East Interfaith Fireside Choir

Gordon and Rita Burnham

Jack Gallagher

Jennifer Smith

Kevin Johnson

CHP Officer Jim Harris

Reggie Graham

Richard Burdick

Sacramento Men’s Chorus

Sarah Hernandez First Lady Sharon Davis

Sierra Peters

Sierra Williams

Spiritual Life Center Ministry, Band & Choir

Stephanie Reid

Sacramento Taiko Dan

The Voices of New Testament

Trinity Cathedral Choir

Viola Weinberg

Thank you to the community leaders and organizations who helped us develop the “Building Unity” project:


Habitat for Humanity

Lauren Hammond’s Renaissance Effort

Rebuilding Together

St. HOPE Corporation and the numerous other community groups working to make a difference

Thank you to the Call for Unity staff who put in many long hours of work:

Chris Caraway | Special Projects Manager

Andrea Diaz | Art Director

Kelsey Falle | Logistics Coordinator

Scott Hassenflu | Publisher

Daniel Hurtado | Program Writer

Pamela Love | Promotions Manager

Jessica Quinn | Assistant Stage Manager

Samantha Randall | Assistant Stage Manager

Deborah Redmond | Operations Manager

Kathleen Reilley | Assistant Stage Manager

Jacqueline Schultz | Director

Joanne Strauch | Events Coordinator

Andee Thorpe | Assistant Stage Manager

Kristin Tucker | Stage Manager

Jill Wagner | Photographer

Thank you for posting the posters!

Noel Vinzon, Courtney Jankowski, Barbara Dean, Barret Chew, Chris Fong, Duane Secco, Eileen McKenzie, Jack Clifford, Kate Colchico, Kenyon Hill, Kristi Wynn, Michelle Bakouri, Robert Cvach, Robert Stillman, Ron Forsberg And thanks to the other News & Review staff members too numerous to mention

Thank you for the technical expertise you provided:

Judy Goldbar | Manager Memorial Auditorium and Theatre Sacramento Convention Center

Jeanne Sapunor Sacramento Convention Center Box Office

Holly Zech Sacramento Convention Center Box Office

Keith Wackford | Rental & Production Manager Associated Sound

Doug Van Zant Sacramento Theatrical Lighting

Ron Cooper | Executive Director Access Sacramento

the event would not have succeeded without the contributions of these sponsors:

Associated Sound

AT&T Broadband

California Cable & Telecommunications Association

Chevron Texaco

CPS Human Resources Services

Dimple Records

Home Depot


Infinity Broadcasting Corporation – Mix 96 FM


Kaiser Permanente

Mom Guess What

Nehemiah Corporation




Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Skip’s Music

Teichert Foundation

Councilmember Ray Tretheway

Wells Fargo Bank

Thank YOU to these businesses for their support:

Andy Nguyen’s

CPD Wireless

Crest Café

David Berkley Fine Wines & Specialty Foods

Dr. McClurg’s Smile Center

Español Italian Restaurant

Fat’s Restaurant

Freeport Bakery

Global Family Festival

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

Peace Corps

Tapa the World

Thai Palms & Thai Cottage

The Stoney Inn

Studio Theatre


Vic’s Ice Cream

These businesses went above and beyond the call of duty:

California State Employees Association Local 1000 SEIU, AFL-CIO, CLC For donating the printing for the posters

Ed Grady | Grady’s Printing For turning around an envelope order for us in a few hours

Encore Graphics For printing our rack cards

Pete Leesha | Mesa Beverage Co., Inc. For the Memorial Auditorium banners

Steve Barbaria | Tackett-Barbaria Design Group For the artwork for the poster

More on a Call For Unity

A Call For Unity — Celebrate the richness and diversity of our community through an evening of interfaith music and spoken word.

A journey of discovery — How 9-11 led me to explore a Sacramento I didn’t know.

Program Schedule — September 11, 2002 | 7pm | Memorial Auditorium | Sacramento

Opening Speaker — California’s First Lady - Sharon Davis.

Performers & Speakers — Celebrate the richness and diversity of our community.

Filling in the blanks — Interfaith effort seeks new ways to combat blight, build homes in Oak Park.