Sun, May 29, 14 Iced Bears

TownHouse Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $5

Starlite Lounge

1517 21st St.
Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 704-0711

In 1985 England, people thought the future would be full of flying cars. They debated whether hip-hop was better, worse, or equal to guitar-driven rock. And though hip-hop came to dominate, guitar-based bands like 14 Iced Bears went on to have significant indie-rock careers. Twenty-five years later, the band has regrouped to present late-’80s-Brit-guitar twang for mass American consumption. Performing with them, the English Singles will soak the audience in downstroke combo-amp distortion. Opening will be Fine Steps, featuring ex-members of Mayyors and Ganglians. It’s folky, hook-laden and worth experiencing. 1517 21st Street,