Stretching out with Frank

Mike Visser of Frank Jordan, of whom we won’t make any jokes about San Francisco city politics.
Sacramento’s greatest trio, Frank Jordan, plays what’s being billed as an “extended set” this Friday at the all-ages venue Capitol Garage. The gig marks the release of the band’s triumphant new EP, Enemies, an eight-song CD from Tustin, California-based indie label Cornerstone R.A.S. The disc features three new studio tracks, plus five tracks that were taped at a showcase in Burbank for Singer/guitarist Mike Visser has never sounded more focused than he’s sounding these days on the band’s recurring melodies; such new songs as “Redefine” and “No Valid Lie” could easily be mistaken for lost Jeff Buckley outtakes, circa Grace. Drummer Devin Hurley and bassist Matt Ontjes make for an odd pairing, too, with Hurley’s open shuffling beats and Ontjes’ minimalist lead bass lines. Frank Jordan’s ability to fuse dischordant emo stylings with traditional rock sounds should translate into a fine evening of music. Opening the show is the ever-popular ENT, which may or may not have been named for J.R.R. Tolkien’s talking trees. Capitol Garage is located at 1427 L St.; doors open at 8 p.m. The cover charge is rumored to be $5. Call 444-3633 to confirm.