Step up to the bike

Whether you’re commuting or just having fun, consider two wheels—it may change your life

All you need is two wheels.

Sure, it helps to know that M Street is the best shortcut east from Midtown, that Route 105 will take you safely to Davis or that sometimes 20th and 24th streets are better north-south passages than 19th and 21st streets.

But in the end, the best advice is the simplest: Step up to the bike.

This month is May Is Bike Month, which is also the name of Sacramento’s month-long bicycling awareness campaign. And if you visit, you can sign up and participate. All you need is a bike, a helmet, plenty of water, and motivation to spare the air and commute on two wheels.

So why not challenge yourself or a co-worker to ride instead of drive for the next 31 days? Who knows? It just may change your life …

Staff box
Contributors: Cindy Baker, Josh Fernandez, Lindsay Hall, Nick Miller, Shoka
Designer: Kate Murphy
Web: Kelsey Falle