Some sweet relief in Newcastle

Mark Olson and Victoria Williams, just passin’ through Newcastle.
Are Monday nights too dead for you on the grid? Meander up the hill this Monday, August 4, when Mark Olson, erstwhile voice of the Jayhawks, and Victoria Williams, whose battle with multiple sclerosis inspired a pair of tribute albums (1993’s Sweet Relief: A Benefit for Victoria Williams and 1996’s Sweet Relief II: Gravity of the Situation) play Constable Jack’s. Olson’s most recent disc with his band the Creekdippers, last year’s December’s Child, is a loose and inviting whack at secular gospel, kinda like if the Stones had relocated to Joshua Tree. Williams’ recent disc, Sings Some Ol’ Songs, is a swell dip into the classic songbook. Constable Jack’s is at 515 Main Street in Newcastle, which is where Highway 80 first bends on your way toward Auburn. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., tickets are $12, the show is open to all ages, and you can order dinner, too.