Protective headgear required

Helmet? Hell yes.
If you don’t own Helmet’s legendary Strap It On, perhaps a little humility and a trip to your local record store would serve you well. Page Hamilton, the band’s songwriter and the only original member in the current lineup, still serves up a platter full of vitriol and sheer angst unlike no other. To fully understand the logical progression from early songs like “Bad Moon” or “FBLA” to the tracks on the band’s latest album, Monochrome, one must realize the incredible pressure Mr. Hamilton felt during his previous tenure with major-label heavyweight Interscope Records. Now on indie label Warcon Enterprises, Page hasn’t buckled and the band is in top form. Check ’em out live at the Boardwalk, located at 9246 Greenback Lane in Orangevale, on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Totimoshi, Will Haven, and Deconstruct round out this stellar lineup. All ages are welcome. Tickets are $20 advance and $25 day of show.