More winning work

It’s a tradition that American River College’s literary-and-arts journal scoops up awards like ice cream. This volume is certainly a contender; it’s packed full of outstanding student writing and art of all stripes. Some of the illustrations are particularly fetching; both “Raven” by Inanna Nakano and “Vincent” by Katheryn Starbuck have elements of manga/graphic-novel style, while the two pieces by Panek Boy (“Panek Boy’s Neiner Circus” and “Fresh Letter Ride”) have a Lautrec, poster-art feel. Jose Moreno’s “Hispanic Heritage” watercolor is beautiful on a two-page spread, with details broken out. Stanislav Babyuk’s “Ivan Zarevich” could have benefited from the same layout; his acrylic painting of a golden bird flying off with the wide-eyed boy who caught its tail is rich and detailed. This edition also includes fashion layouts by ARC students and a delectable section on the Oak Café called “The Art of the Plate,” with recipes.