Goin Sac

Get goin’

Welcome to the second annual issue of Goin’ Sac—you could call it a tutorial for surviving your first year of college in the capital city. What is there to know? Well, college can be full of perils. From fattening foods and neurotic roommates, to boring classes and dated clothes, just about anything can trip you up and make you long for the security and familiarity of home.

OK, maybe we’re overdramatizing. But college is an important, life-altering, exhilarating, and unforgettable experience, and we wouldn’t want you to miss out on one second of it because you’re fighting with your roommate about who ate the last piece of string cheese.

So add one more item to your list of required reading for your first semester—SN&R’s second annual Goin’ Sac. It’s student recommended, roommate approved and completely fat free.

Getting the job done
Sac State’s career expert says it’s never too early to think about what you want to be when you grow up

Something to gain
Eat, drink and sit still at your own risk. Nutrition experts tell how you can avoid putting on the dreaded Freshman 15.

Is there life before 21?
You’re old enough to drive, vote, and fight in a war, but not to enter a nightclub. You can challenge the injustice, and have fun doing it, at plenty of places in Sacramento where no ID is required.

Fashion sense
We spoke with a fashion insider about what Sacramento co-eds are wearing.

Been there, done that
Sac State students who already have walked the halls and lounged on the quad share their secrets for finding love, killer pizza and $10 ties.