
Rated 3.0

A 50-ish divorced woman (Paulina García) precariously navigates the pitfalls of life alone: dealing with landlord and neighbors, keeping in touch with her adult children without hovering—and, most precarious of all, adjusting to a new lover (Sergio Hernández) too recently divorced and still tied to ex-wife and family. Written by Gonzalo Maza and director Sebastián Lelio, the plot of this Chilean-Spanish co-production isn't particularly thick, but it's savory. The spice is provided largely by García's performance: She's not only the center of the movie, she's literally never off camera, and she holds our attention effortlessly. It's a winning, immensely sympathetic performance without fireworks, but with a steady fire. The rest of the cast—especially the mopey Hernández—complements her nicely.