Getting it

Robert Brady, “Zygo,” clay with glaze, 2003.

Robert Brady, “Zygo,” clay with glaze, 2003.

It makes me laugh to observe people—other than art students, gallery folks and artists—examining a show of contemporary sculpture. They often say they don’t “get it.” Take this month’s exhibit at b. sakata garo, at 923 20th Street, where work by Robert Brady is on display. Brady’s influences are all over the place, with ancient African art being a strong one. His style varies but has a unified look. Enjoying Brady’s work is effortless; there’s nothing to get. Brady grew up fascinated with how ceramic sculpture can convey ideas. His work basically explores all of the stuff that has intrigued him throughout his life, and the result is a body of work that ends up being as indefinable as explanations of what inspires him. All “getting” his work takes is paying attention. A few bent-over, elongated torso shapes stand out as particularly interesting. The pleasure comes from just staring at them. It can be that simple.