Dine Downtown Restaurant Week
Friday, January 11 through Monday, January 21, various times and locations, $35

Look at the fun you’ll have sharing meals!
A wise woman once said, “Food is fun to eat. I wish there was a Dine Downtown Restaurant Week in Sacramento, featuring a set price for three-course meals at a number of eateries. I’m talkin’ all the establishments—35 of them, including Empress Tavern, The Melting Pot, Tower Bridge Bistro, Binchoyaki and more. A good price seems like $35 at each location—not including tax and tip, of course. And I wish a dollar from every meal went to social services and food literacy programs.” In the spirit of this anonymous and not made up person, come try some of the restaurants you’ve passed up in the past. Godowntownsac.com/events/signature-events/dine-downtown.