Cyber politics

This week, the Sacramento Bee will launch their new subscription-only political Web site Capitol Alert—again.

The original Capitol Alert enjoyed a brief stint from 1997-98, but now is back, completely made-over, “reporting on all the news and inside information we have access to” at the state Capitol, according to Bee political editor Amy Chance.

For a cool $499 a year, you get 8 p.m. access to the next day’s Capitol coverage; new blogs by Dan Walters ("By the numbers"), Steve Wiegand ("Buzz plus") and Daniel Weintraub; morning and evening e-mail updates; and freewheelin’ Capitol advice (like not to mess up state Senator Carole Migden’s latte order).

Former SN&R intern Shane Goldmacher will provide additional reporting for the site, which is Team Scoopy’s answer to the successful Capitol Morning Report—watch them fight for slices of the proverbial cyberspace pie: