Crack on a stick

Illustration by mark stivers
I’m a serious addict for the Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates (1801 L Street) fleur de sel caramels. But when it got over 100 degrees recently, I had to try something new. The Parisian macaron ice-cream sandwiches ($5.50) are two larger-than-usual French meringue cookies (made with almonds, not coconut) sandwiching creamy housemade lemon, pistachio or berry ice cream. I got the strawberry and loved the way the macarons crunched slightly before yielding to the satiny ice cream. They’re also selling sinfully lickable ice cream bars ($5), such as the almond rocher, with vanilla ice cream rolled in candied almonds and dipped in bittersweet chocolate; and the s’more, with the usual graham and marshmallow suspects, but with a flourless brownie and bittersweet robe. The peanut-butter banana might be my next victim, what with banana ice cream, that cracktastic vanilla caramel and housemade peanut butter in milk chocolate. Bathing suit be damned!