A Guide to the I Ching

Carol K. Anthony

Anthony Publishing

By throwing three coins or by counting off 49 yarrow stalks, an inquiring soul can build a hexagram, or six-line construct. Then the I Ching, or ancient Chinese Book of Changes, is consulted; each hexagram and each line have meaning. Some believe that consulting the I Ching can tune a person into an ancient fountain of wisdom, and the oracle’s text is basic to Confucian and Taoist thought. In the West, the I Ching is a 20th-century arrival; the Wilhelm/Baynes edition, whose original Chinese was translated into German, and the German text then into often inscrutable English, is the I Ching’s King James Version—flawed but beloved. While Anthony’s interpretations are derived from the Wilhelm/Baynes translation, her writing is clear and concise. Anthony’s suggested road map to self-development follows an unstructured path; by learning how to live modestly and spontaneously according to the advice of an entity she calls the Sage, which speaks through the oracle, she believes you can become a happier, more highly evolved person. Does it work? Try it and find out.