Letters for July 26, 2018

More specifics

Re “Here you go” (letters, June 28):

In reading the letter by Richard C. Simmonds attacking Secretary Clinton, I’m sure he would agree that Donald Trump has broken a lot of laws.

Almost 20 women have accused Trump of groping them. (Trump, on tape, brags about groping women.) Over a dozen of his staff have been indicted, some of whom have admitted guilt. Ivanka is using the White House as political collateral to make business deals around the world (pulled in $82 million in 2017). Foreign governments are pouring millions into Trump hotels. And Trump is covering up evidence of his Russian connections that could lead to his being impeached. This is just a partial list of Trump breaking our country’s laws.

No parent with young children can have the TV on if Trump is on. He is an embarrassment to all. Even Trump’s wife sleeps in another bedroom in the White House.

Bob Mulholland

Chico, Calif.


Ancient Greek playwrights (Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles spring readily from an internet search) used a group of actors, almost exclusively men, alas, called the Chorus, who stood to the side of the stage and provided a running narrative of the proceedings, keeping the audience attuned to plot developments and adding a welcome source of continuity and clarity to the sometimes convoluted twists and turns of the play.

If said Chorus existed in contemporary political discourse, and were savage, profane, outspoken to a fault, and sometimes vulgar, they would epitomize what we are fortunate to have in our own Bruce Van Dyke. Mr. Van Dyke’s weekly observations, while clearly troubling to many on the right, express in blunt and unvarnished language the feelings of many progressives—and truth be told, anyone with a brain—in regard to the leader of our current administration, and will doubtless be echoed in future assessments of the man by writers and historians unrestrained by the exigencies of contemporary discourse.

Giv ‘im what he deserves, Bruce!

Steve Waclo

Carson City

Lyon about brothels

The histrionics of the Lyon County anti-legal prostitution people are approaching absurdity. While they claim that regulated cathouses lower (their personal) property values, there is no consideration to the fact that little Johnny may get the clap or die of AIDS from that crack-smoking street-corner prostitute.

The fact that safe, legal and protected/inspected houses of ill repute reduce abuse of women and the chance that little Johnny’s dick won’t fall off seem beyond their mentality. (Property values trump public safety always for them.)

So sad that, to these twits, sex is a dirty thing not to be discussed in good society. Maybe it’s time for them to start an anti-sex league, including the evils of masturbation, too. It will make you go blind, for God’s sake.

No more sex.

No more sex.

No more (safe) sex!


Craig Bergland


Nye primary

Re “Dump advocate defeated” (Upfront, July 12):

The U.S. Department of Energy’s centralized repository for spent nuclear fuels under Yucca Mountain—frequently referred to both as a matter of convenience and in a disparaging manner as the “dump” in your publication—was not the issue in either Nye County Commission districts 4 or 5—Dan Schinhofen’s district—in the June 12 primary.

Water was the big issue and also Dan’s joining the establishment campaign to vilify Dennis Hof in an attempt to thwart his bid to unseat incumbent Assemblymember James Oscarson.

I believe most residents of Nye County are grateful for Mr. Schinhofen’s advocacy to at least complete the studies for Yucca and so reach a point of determination as to whether it is safe to proceed with the project. Hopefully he can be kept on by the County in a consultant capacity.

William Stremmel
