Issue: April 24, 2014

Georgia Fisher: "You may have heard of 'zombie

foreclosures,' ... homeowners who move away

without realizing banks have halted or abandoned

the paperwork, for whatever reason. Unbeknownst

to them, these families actually still own their

houses?and are on the hook for accumulating bills and upkeep, too."

Dear Folks,

This week in the Reno News & Review, our cover

story takes a look at some phantom homes,

supposedly foreclosed, and the way they weave

their way through financial institutions and the marketplace.

Brad Bynum introduces us to a young woman who

came to Reno from a rural area and documented her

introduction to the local punk scene. She is

preparing an exhibition next month. In Green,

Sage Leehey has a look at a new Sparks firm that

is competing with major manufacturers in the

diesel field. In News, there is the story of a

state agency website that was hacked.

One of our more interesting stories this week

looks at Nevada Storm, a local full body contact

women's football team whose members pay their own

way. Bob Grimm reviews Johnny Depp in

Transcendence , and Bruce Van Dyke writes some

nice things about water conservation in, of all places, Las Vegas.

Thank you for reading us.

Dennis Myers

News editor