Letters for November 8, 2018

No doubt

Re “When in doubt, vote for a woman” (Left foot forward, Oct. 25):

It sounds sort of sexist to me. Ms. Leslie’s advice to “When in doubt, vote for the woman” seems like a silly way to pick a candidate. There has to be a little more thought involved than picking a candidate according to what is between their legs.

Stephen Bloyd

Carson City

Re “When in doubt, vote for a woman” (Left foot forward, Oct. 25):

The unfiltered bias, prejudice and misandry of Sheila Leslie was never more on display than in her column, “When in Doubt, Vote for a Woman.”

The column’s ending says it all, when with regard to the female judges she prefers, Leslie writes, “Each has an impressive track record as a judicial leader and can be counted on to work hard and judge fairly. After all, they’re women.” The good news for any man is that you won’t have to appear before Judge Leslie in her courtroom. Her special brand of innate “female fairness” might be brought to the breaking point.

Thom Waters


The eternal trench mortgage

Re “Four claims” (News, Oct. 25):

In July 2018, Reno refinanced the Trench bonds by issuing new 40-year bonds in the amount of $245 million. The original bonds were for $185 million. Sixteen years of interest has been paid. The refinancing this year included a $20 million payment to restructure. I believe this to be the fourth financing (2002, 2004, 2008 and 2018). Was it worth it? The Caranos are happy.

Mike Robinson


Bruce fan

Re “His vulgarity, his ignorance” (Notes from the Neon Babylon, Oct. 25):

That title caught my eye—“His vulgarity, his ignorance.” I scanned the column and my eye fell on this: “I’m sick of his lying. His bullying. His name calling. His vulgarity. His hate. His hypocrisy. His ignorance. His sneer.”

“Wow!” I thought. Bruce is manfully sharing a tweet from a detractor, from a reader sick and tired of Bruce’s classless putridity! Then I awoke from the momentary daydream. Of course, it had to be all about the president. Pot, meet kettle.

Brian Adams


Drive, he said

Still waiting for car makers to include small solar panels and exhaust fans in their new models. No real reason to get into a sweltering, hellish hotbox only to turn on the AC, thus reducing that holy moly MPG no one cares about—yet.

Waiting for Nevadans to get hep to swamp coolers which use significantly less energy to keep cool. It’s 97 out now and our house swamper is inexpensively pumping in 70 degrees.

Still waiting for restaurants to add outside/rooftop solar cooked foods to their menus instead of using massive AC monster machines to cool the buildings the kitchen areas have pre-heated.

We wee voices calling out for energy sanity are not as sexy as divisive political posturing perhaps, but we are still here. Once the energy crunch hits us all hard, we’re not gonna have a lot of time to play partisan.

We need to lower our energy (ab)use, seriously.

2020 (projected energy climax date) is a comin’ on.

Craig Bergland


The Washo cared more

Re “On the look out” (Tahoe, Nov. 1):

A decade of boat launching and inspection only proves to me that the real culprit is and will always be the white man. The day the first white man set foot at the shores of Lake Tahoe the processes of ruination started. In fact, it all began with the arrival of the first whites to set foot in the New World. (“New” only to them.)

History does not lie. People tend to lie about history. So the processes continues on. Want to keep Tahoe blue? Get the hell out of there, and take your trash with you.

Jim Martinez
