Eco-Event: Tour de Green Reno

Visit some of Reno’s most sustainably minded sites on May 14. Take a “Tour de Green Reno” on Saturday, May 14 with greenUP. Participants will visit some of Reno’s most sustainable sites, including River School Farm, Great Basin Community Food Co-op’s new location, City of Reno parking garage, West Street Market, NV Energy and Patagonia Clothing Co. Sign up for a moderated tour ($35, includes lunch) on an RTC hybrid bus, or take a self-guided tour with a downloadable map ($20). Bus tour registration begins at 8 a.m. Self-guided tour registration is 8:30 a.m. at RTC Station on Fourth St. End the day with a beer at Buckbean Brewing Co., 1155 S. Rock Blvd. Learn more at

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