Worth your vote

Voter registration deadline looms

As you may well know by spying the many campaign signs strewn about town, reading coverage of candidates forums (see page 13 for our latest) and talking with friends and family, election season is fully upon us. This may not be a presidential election year, but there are plenty of local, state and federal offices, as well as propositions and measures, that are worth weighing in on.

The Chico City Council, for example, has three open seats. In a year when the panel has been chastised for its fiscal irresponsibility, and when the issues of police compensation and staffing are coming to a boil, this election has the potential to result in a shift of ideological power. Then there are the dueling medical marijuana measures—A and B. And a Congressional race with an impressive challenger looking to knock a bigwig incumbent off his throne—if voters turn out. (Tune in next week for the CN&R’s special Election Issue.)

We don’t feel the need to wax philosophical about the importance of voting—it being our patriotic duty, giving us a voice in government, showing the power of the people, yada yada yada. You’ve heard it all before. But if you haven’t gotten off your couch and registered to vote, now is the time. The deadline to register before the Nov. 4 election is Monday (Oct. 20). So, get off that couch! (Or, heck, they’ve made it easy: Log onto registertovote.ca.gov and do it from your couch.)