Waste rerouted
Butte County taking on Glenn waste temporarily, but not without strings

The Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility will be temporarily fuller through the rest of this year, starting Monday (Oct. 14).
The Butte County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday (Oct. 8) decided to accept waste from Glenn County, which is closing its landfill and transitioning to a contractor. Up to 150 tons of waste will be transferred per day, via no more than six trailers.
Supervisors expressed reservations about landfill capacity and wear and tear on the roadways. Bill Connelly (pictured) said he couldn’t support it because he saw no benefit to Butte County ratepayers. Ultimately, a majority of the supervisors agreed to move forward with two stipulations: that state routes are maximized and that Glenn County provides space for Butte County waste in the future, commensurate with the amount it is taking on this year.