The best gifts
Charity contains the true spirit of the holidays

ARC needs volunteers for its holiday gift wrap station that will be open daily, noon-7pm, Dec. 15-Dec. 24. Call 891-5865 for info. ARC Trading Company, 1900 Park Ave.
Donate a bike to the Butte County Sheriff’s S.T.A.R.S. organization for giving to needy children for the holidays. Call the sheriff’s office to arrange for delivery or pickup, (530) 538-7822.
Hand Knit For Chico—Knit, crochet a scarf, hat or sweater for the homeless. Bring finished unwrapped gifts to the Jesus Center by Dec. 14. Jesus Center, 1297 Park Ave. (530) 345-2640.
Donate a book to Barnes & Noble’s Holiday Book Drive. Donations benefit the Butte County Office of Education’s Migrant Education Program. Barnes & Noble, 2031 Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. (530) 894-1494.
Jesus Center food and clothing donations. Call (530) 345-2640 for info and needs-list.
Salvation Army Angel Trees and toy barrels are popping up around town and at Salvation Army offices, 700 Broadway, Chico. Adopt an angel and give a gift by Dec. 19, or simply drop a new toy in your nearest barrel. Info: (530) 342-2199.
Salvation Army Kettle Drive: Volunteers needed to ring bells at red kettles around town. Info: (530) 342-2199.