Recycle trees with ease

After weeks of vacuuming up needles, you might be tempted to hurl your Christmas tree into the fireplace or wood stove. Resist the urge. Pine and fir trees contain a lot of sap, which is often explosive. Branches and needles burn extremely hot—like tinder—and can quickly send flames out of control. They can cause chimney damage, or worse.
Keep the environment—and yourself—safe by proper tree disposal. Butte County residents have many options to recycle their Christmas trees. Here are just a few:
For Chicoans, drop your tree off free of charge at the City of Chico Compost Facility (4441 Cohasset Road) between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Dec. 26 through Jan. 6.
Chico residents can also help a good cause by calling up Boy Scouts Troop 2. For a donation of $5 (or more), the scouts will come to you on Jan. 5. To request a pickup, call 224-8188. (Leave your name, address, phone number, and place your tree on the curb by 8 a.m.)
Like the compost facility, the Earthworm Soil Factory is also accepting trees for no charge. The factory is located at 704 Neal Road (just east of Highway 99).
Various recycling and waste companies are also offering free disposal to their customers in Chico, Paradise, Oroville, Gridley, Biggs and the Berry Creek area. Several of them require that the trees be cut into three-foot lengths. The Butte County Public Works Department has set up a handy guide with the specifics on pickups in each area. For more information, visit