Organic milk does a body really good

We’ve all been told how milk is good for healthy teeth and strong bones. That’s because it contains important dietary nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals. What’s interesting, according to, is that organic milk is even more jam-packed with healthful components. Here are some of the benefits as listed by the Web site:

More antioxidants: Organic milk has a concentration of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin two to three times greater than conventional milk. Lutein helps prevent eye conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts. So does zeaxanthin, which also protects the eye from ultraviolet damage and free radicals.

More Omega 3 fatty acids: Organic milk from pasture-grazed cows contains about 70 percent more Omega 3 acids than conventional milk. These acids are essential to healthy growth and resistance to heart disease, cancer and inflammations of the skin such as eczema.

More conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): Pasture-grazed cows produce milk with 500 percent more CLA than cows fed on fodder. CLA is an important acid that the human body cannot produce. It boosts immunity to diseases, increases the metabolic rate, and reduces things such as abdominal fat, cholesterol and allergic reactions.

More vitamins: Organic milk from grass-grazed cows contains higher concentrations of vitamins. Research on organic milk by the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Newcastle found vitamin E and beta carotene at levels 50 percent and 75 percent higher, respectively, than those found in conventional milk.