Maidu exhibit on hold

City, CARD, Mechoopda don’t receive state grant for living village

The proposed Maidu Living Village has experienced a setback after failing to make the cut for grant funding.

As reported in the CN&R (“Building a village,” Newslines, Feb. 21), the Mechoopda Indian Tribe partnered with the city of Chico Park Division and Chico Area Recreation and Park District (CARD) to create an interactive outdoor exhibit next to the Chico Creek Nature Center. Their application was among more than 200, totaling $400 million, competing for $37 million in grants through Proposition 68—a bond measure passed last June for parks, water and environmental projects.

Linda Herman, city parks and natural resources manager, told the CN&R Wednesday (May 1) that the agencies “will look for funding elsewhere” and “continue to pursue grants” for the project.