Lando, thanks a lot

City Manager Tom Lando managed his last Chico City Council meeting this week, marking the end of an era of competence this town is not likely to see again. This is not meant to dismiss the potential of Lando’s successor to the job, Greg Jones, but rather to recognize Lando’s nearly savant-like ability to understand the concrete complex issues and intricate matters of procedure as well as the less-structured stuff involving human emotion.

Lando helped a half-dozen different councils negotiate through tough and contentious city concerns in a town famed for its sharply divided and at times hostile political differences. But through it all Lando was able to deftly ride the fence that separated politically divided councils without appearing to play favorites to either side.

Lando wasn’t perfect; we heard grumblings and rumors from former—and often bitter—city employees, but genuine respect and admiration for Lando appeared much more prevalent within the walls of city hall.

We wish Lando luck with whatever he takes on in the future, and feel comfortable knowing his deep knowledge, wisdom and institutional memory is only be a phone call away for those who will continue to run the city.